OSPM PROJECTS 2020 – 2023

Outside Plant Maintenance

OSPM PROJECTS 2020 - 2023 Outside Plant Maintenance


Project Name Project Description
OSPM Closeout Engagement OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant
covering the Primary (Network Fiber Optic Cable) facilities for the period of February to June 2020.
OPSM Corrective Maintenance OSPM Corrective Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant covering
the Primary (Network Fiber Optic Cable) facilities for the period of July to December 2020.
OSPM Preventive Maintenance OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant
covering the Primary (Network Fiber Optic Cable) facilities for the period of July to December 2020.
Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration Primary Outside Plant Maintenance Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration for
the period of July to December 2020.
Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery –
OSPM Final Amount
Primary Outside Plant Maintenance Corrective Maintenance and Disaster
Recovery for February to June 2020.
Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery –
OSPM Final Amount
OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration Final Closeout Agreement
for the period of February 15 to June 30, 2020.


Project Name Project Description
Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery OSPM Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery of emergency civil
and line works and Disaster preparedness, mitigation and recovery.
Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant covering the
Primary (Network Fiber Optic Cable) facilities for the period of January to December 2021.
Additional 2021 CMDR Additional OSPM Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery of emergency
civil and line works and Disaster preparedness, mitigation and recovery.


Project Name Project Description
OSPM 1 Additional PM/IR Team OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant
covering the 1 additional team deployed for the period June to July 2021.
OSPM Additional CMDR 2021 Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery for Primary
Facilities (August 1 to December 31, 2021)
OSPM PMIR 2022 and Additional 22 Teams OSPM Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the
outside plant covering the Primary Facilities for the period of
January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and Additional 22 Teams.
CMDR OSPM Corrective Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the outside plant
covering the Primary (Network Fiber Optic Cable) facilities
Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery Teams for OSPM Project by
PLDT Damaged by Typhoon Odette for the period of December 20, 2021 to March 31, 2022)
Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery Emergency Fund for Typhoon Karding – Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery
Teams for OSPM Project by PLDT Damaged by Typhoon Karding


Project Name Project Description
OSPM Additional CMDR 2022 Primary Outside Plant Management (OSPM) – Supplemental budget to cover rendered
Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery Work from April 1 to
December 31, 2022
PMIR Y2023 Preventive Maintenance and Immediate Restoration of the Outside Plant covering the Primary
Network Fiber Optic Cable facilities for the period of January to June 2023
OSPM Additional CMDR 2022 OSPM Corrective Maintenance & Disaster Recovery for Primary Facilities (October 1 to December 1, 2022)
Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery Corrective Maintenance and Disaster Recovery of the Outside Plant covering the Primary
Network Fiber Optic Cable facilities January 1 to June 30, 2023.